Yours truly,

Me Academia

Friday, June 26, 2020

The new norm: Online class


This week is the last lecture for this semester. Similar to the previous semester, the last week is project presentation week. Because of Covid19 I have to change the assignment given to the students. Initial plan was a field work and company visitation, however, because of this circumstances, I have to change to something that is feasible for my students to do. Thus, for this semester they have to study a few companies' websites, benchmark them and proposed a better design.

I have 10 groups of students. In total I have 3 assignments to mark so all together 30 assignments to evaluate.  For the last assignment, each group has to present their work. 

I never thought that online presentation can be both funny and difficult. Seeing my students presenting their works makes me wonder how did the students react when I was lecturing online and something unplanned happened, not that there were much, only trouble with the line. But today and yesterday, many things happened. Someone's line was not OK, so we heard distortion which can be funny at a time. Someone forgot to switch off his mic and we heard his mom asking, "dah makan ke belum?". Someone just woke up and forgot to comb his hair. Someone was on the way to the campus from his hometown to pick up his things at the hostel, and he was in a moving car and we can see him bounced when the road was bumpy. The girls, however, were more prepared and presentable. 

Yup, speaking of the new norm, things can be easily adjusted. I found it more flexible to teach and evaluate the students. As a momento, I screenshot and saved each group screen.

A day before, I had a lunch date with a friend. She has resigned from work and now is doing a small business. She started with sugarcane juice, and now expanded to selling fresh duck eggs and salted eggs. So I bought the sugarcane juice and some eggs. 

Another new norm. You know ladies wearing hijab have to wear an extender face mask. I have asked miss t to make mine from the rainbow loom bands that she had left. And today, someone gave me the above face mask extender. 

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yours truly,

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