Here are some old posts about adik's so called jargon.
1st post.
2nd post.
3rd post.
4th post.
Recently, en. e taught her a doa that we need to say after walk out of the toilet. She listened carefully, and try to recite just like what en. e said to her.
But because the first time is always not easy, though she did try her very best, however the word that came out of her:
....and so, and again, we laughed. yup, that's my daughter, never fail to make us laugh.
Until today, she still struggle with the word. But just like any other new and difficult words, eventually she will say it correctly. And every time we reminded her of her old jargon, she will quickly correct it, in a way like denying that she ever said it incorrectly.
BTW, If you are not familiar with this sunnah, here is the meaning of the word "Ghufraanaka".
Seeking refuge from God in the bathroom
غفرانك or Ghufraanak means - I ask you (ALLAH) for forgiveness...
بسم الله أللّهمّ إنّي أعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث
In the name of Allah, O Allah! I take refuge with you from all evil and evil doers...
This is a good Sunnah (Practice).
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yours truly,
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