Yours truly,

Me Academia

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Of boiling and piercing

This weekend is the best ever weekends I ever had. I meant the best among the best, so far. Because I received more than one good news, and today mark great achievements. Either about my work, my family and my life. I have never be a lot happier, it was strange though, but happy. I wore a smile on my face, yes, I mean literally. But I will not write it here, no no. Let me keep that to myself. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah.

And, it has been a long time, a very long time, of me posting and writing about my cooking. And now, let me present you with my dinner tonite. Yup, only for me, because the kids had a roast chicken, while their dad had fish and chips. Well this ubi rebus (boiled tapioca) and sambal was a kick tonite. This is my first time boiling the ubi  from scratch. Usually I would ask my beloved mom to cook for me. She usually served the boiled tapioca with young desiccated coconut mixed with salt and sugar. That's absolutely delicious. We usually have the ubi rebus with black coffee, with sugar of course.

Now, my little girl, the youngest one just had her ears pierced. She's been nagging me for weeks. You know how persistent you are adik, everyday you asked me the same question,"Mama, bila adik nak pakai earings?" Adoi.... finally, she got it. Happy, for sure. Jumping up and down with joy. So determine to get her ears pierced, she didn't feel pain a bit, and so she said. hahahahha.... Suke hati laaa....We made many new arrangement for adik. We changed her to a new school since she has started playing the malas role. Everyday she would create an excuse. I guess she's bored with the school, been sending her since she's 3 yr old. Don't ask her to do the same thing over again, things that she has mastered, she will get bored. She's happy now, with her new school. When ask, what so great about your new school,"best laa, cikgu tak pukul2 lagi." I did ask her several times, if she has ever been punished by the teacher without any reason. She denied, but said that her friends did, and that has feared her, a lot. Garang betul cikgu dia tahun nie. So we decided to change school, and that was not the only reason.

I end this post with this picture, "Happy Mother's Day to all mother out there!"

Until next time, think positive and stay positive, inshaAllah everything will be OK

yours truly,

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