Aiyo...What happened?! First, without my knowing, I took someone else's set of keys and put them in my handbag.
This tragedy happened at noon. I went to the loo and met the owner of the keys in the loo. As usual we had a chat, exchanging story about our kids. Then we bid goodbye. I went out and walked to my room. The owner came out later and said that she didn't remember where did she put her keys. She wasn't sure if she had brought them to the loo as well. She looked confuse and finally assumed she might have left them in her locked room. I was pretty sure I didn't see her keys. Pretty confident that I didn't take her keys either. Owhh!! What troubles I had put her into. She had to ran to the main office to get the spare key. She was late for her appointment. She ransacked her room searching for the lost keys. I only realised I had her keys when I arrived home after work today. Ya Allah... teruknya!!! I had called her up and apologized...nasib baik she accepted. I will see her on Monday to give her keys. I know...double triple teruk la me....
Second, I planned to cook ayam kurma for dinner today. Arrived home, I took out the chicken from the chiller. Had everything ready at the kitchen but only later I realised....alamak takde halia!! aiyoh....suddenly I didn't know what to cook for dinner. Took a deep breath, exhale, then I said, "babah!! we ran out of halia, nak masak apa nih?!' but I knew I asked the wrong person. haha.... I matched in and out of the kitchen (bukan besar mana pun), pulled open the fridge door, tried to find an idea. In the end, ayam kurma turned into ayam sweet sour lor. hohoho...
What had happened to me?! hmmmm.... a sign of neuron reduction...
Until next time, think positive and stay positive, inshaAllah everything will be OK
yours truly,
aikk ... takkan dah berjangkit penyakit lupa kot ... :p
sudah tua maaaa....hohoho
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