Food: I ate a lot last week. Had too many cakes (homemade choc cake, SR New York and SR cheeze choc). I had durian again, bought by my loving mak, and then I got bloated by the durian. Argghhhh. I now feel so heavy, lazy, but still crazy for food.
Challenge: It is a challenge raising a kid nowadays. I found it difficult to find and give a good reason to support your decision whenever my eldest daughter brought up something that I didn't approve. Kids nowadays would not just settle on Yes and No, they want to know why this why not that. And we as a parent should give them that, a reason to support our decision, may be two, because we are raising a thinker, not a follower. My greatest challenge is to give reason why Yaya can not have what she wants like some of her friend, when she knows her parents can afford it. It is not easy especially when I have the tendency to become angry easily. It is different in the way I was brought up. It was plain black n white, yes or no. No question. If you ask, you will get the stare as the first warning....hahahhahaha But somehow I didn't find it cumbersome. Tak OK, tak Ok laa...I can accept it. Less argue, more happy, more peace. World at peace...hohoho... but today's generation, when kids start comparing things, zaman Yes n No, dah berlalu. So I must change too. No wonder parenting courses make money weh! I have Zaid Mohamad book on by bedside table right now. Bila nak baca?!
Bookworm: Last week I went to the library. It has been more than four years since I last visited my U's library. I observed changes, different layout, more bookshelves, more books obviously, and they have adapted to a new and practical loan -book system. I borrowed some books. Since the U is on a long semester break, am so delighted to see neatly arranged books on the shelf. I made my way to the 'sudut bacaan ringan' where all the fictions and non-fictions for a lighter reading are kept. Often this is the most crowded section in the library, books are like goreng pisang panas here. Prepare to be disappointed when the book that you were searching is not on the shelf when the catalogue system said it should be there. But last week I felt lucky...huhu....Wish I could camp in the library, tapi memang giler la kalau boleh buat.
Cemuih: with the Bersih 2.0 agenda. I can see it is for someone's benefit. Oii I so pity that fellow, in the opposite way. My sincere pity to his wife and family.
Suffocate: Forest burning at neighbouring country is suffocating me. I smell smoke in the air. It stings my eyes, even more when I am wearing contact lenses. Aiyoh why la u guys need to burn your forest! Can you do it in some other way?
Bless: Abah turned 70 today. May Allah blessed him with health, patience and courage for fighting the cancer. Amin.
Until next time, think positive and stay positive, inshaAllah everything will be OK
yours truly,
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