Yours truly,

Me Academia

Monday, April 15, 2019

Nostalgia: Telekom Malaysia, bila nada bunyi....

I just want to share an experienced that I had when I was a little girl. Back then our fixed line service was called Telekom Malaysia. I can still visualised the embossed gold logo on those dialed telephone. My grandpa's was that black one, with heavy receiver. I still can remember the sound, very loud ringing sound. So original.

My parents' was the green one, the receiver not that heavy and was designed to be placed on the left hand side. I still remember the 5 digit and eventually became 7 digit telephone number.

Back in old days, Telekom provided some sort of hotlines. There were these 3 digit things, for directory, for complaints, for international calls etc. And there was this particular service that you can dialed to ask for time. I forgot the 3 digits combination for that service.

When you dialed the number, say at 2.30 in the afternoon, you will hear a woman voice that say,

"ting....bila nada bunyi, tepat pukul 2, 30 minit, 20 saat..... ting....bila nada bunyi, tepat pukul 2, 30 minit, 22 saat....." and on and on it went..... and it's free.

Who else had the same experienced?

Spread the love

yours truly,

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